Saturday, October 17, 2009

Update Oct. 17 , 2009 Pro and Con " Fit Yummy Mummy " Weight Loss Program By Health Expert

Fit Yummy Mummy is designed Holly Ridby with an aims to help women and new mom lose that stubborn baby weight once and for all. It is a program for moms who want to get back into shape quickly and safely. For women who just have a baby, Ridly knows there is also a lot of work that must be done on a daily basis and this can leave you with very little time to think about your weight, but if you concerns about your health and your physical appearance why you can't set aside 15-30 minutes, a few times a week. We provide you with information and health experts' opinion of Pro and Con of above program. Please read the argument carefully, before making your decision. As always, please consult with your doctor before applying.

Recommended Reading
Lose the Mummy Belly
Discover the Secret Method Busy Moms Are
Using to Burn the Lingering “Baby Fat” and
Get Their Body Back with Fun, Fast Workouts.

Fit Yummy Mummy Lifestyle System Review

By Des Ingham Platinum Quality Author

This is a Fit Yummy Mummy Lifestyle System review. I will give you my views on this guide by Holly Rigsby, and then you can make your mind up whether it would be of interest to you.

First up, I really like the ideas behind this system, which is giving you a proven strategy to turn your baby fat into a toned stomach, pert bum, and perky chest! I like it because it addresses this issue of how to get fit after having your baby in a way that means that:

1. You will not have to spend hour after hour after hour at the gym doing mindless repetitions, in fact you do not need to go to the gym at all!

2. This works quickly. The system has been devised so that you will burn fat quickly, and tone your muscles in the optimimum time.

3. There is a nutrition plan which is there to complement the exercises you will be doing.

4. All the methods are natural, you are not using pills to lose weight but doing it as nature intended.

5. You are not crash dieting. Not only are you likey to put the weight back on if you crash diet, but it is dangerous and harmful to you as well.

This system shows you how a short burst exercise program of around 30 minutes, just 3 days a week, can transform your post baby body into a hot yummy mummy body. You can infact have a flatter stomach than you had before you were pregnant.

And you can workout at home, you do not need any fancy equipment for this. This program will leave you with a fit body, and glowing with health and vitality. Have a look at information on the Fit Yummy Mummy Lifestyle System at HealthandFitness

Des Ingham hails from Darwen in the North of England. He has been studying various health topics and writing articles on them. If you wish to become a hot Yummy Mummy then take a look at:

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Recommended Reading
Lose the Mummy Belly
Discover the Secret Method Busy Moms Are
Using to Burn the Lingering “Baby Fat” and
Get Their Body Back with Fun, Fast Workouts.

Fit Yummy Mummy - After Birth Weight Loss
By Katie Adler

After birth weight loss usually takes up to six months to start to take effect. You should not be in too much of a hurry to lose all that weight you have acquired during pregnancy. You should be able to give time for your body to heal first since it would feel exhausted and stressed. Try to center your attention first on eating healthily to allow yourself to regenerate and prepare yourself for the upcoming tasks of becoming a new mother.

Exercise should be a part of your daily routine. It actually helps level out your moods aside from keeping you in shape. Just be careful to do it gradually, though and avoid any type of activity that could be too strenuous for your body. Make sure that if you decide to have exercise as part of your after birth weight loss regimen, you should always consult your doctor for some advice on how to get you started.

2 to 3 months after you give birth and you period has returned to normal, when you feel that you are strong enough to take on normal activities, you can begin following a stricter program. The ideal program to start with is to have an aim of losing 1 pound per week. Just remember to carry on with the healthy and balanced diet and you can be sure that after birth weight loss should be possible.

How much you weight you gained during pregnancy should largely affect the time it will take you to return to your original weight. 23 to 35 pounds is just about the average weight a mother gains during pregnancy and loses 12 to 21 pounds after child birth. After birth weight loss should cover about 6 to 8 months.

If you have gained more than the average, try to add an extra month of proper diet and exercise for every 6 pounds in excess of 35 pounds. This is just mainly a guide for you to follow, it will still depend on how well your metabolism is working.

This author writes about Advice Pregnancy at Fit Yummy Mummy

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Recommended Reading
Lose the Mummy Belly
Discover the Secret Method Busy Moms Are
Using to Burn the Lingering “Baby Fat” and
Get Their Body Back with Fun, Fast Workouts.

Fit Yummy Mummy Review - Is it Worth Your Money?
By Sandy Chea

Fit Yummy Mummy is a fantastic program designed for all of those mothers that work hard to stay in shape and do everything else they have to do. The program is designed by a woman how spent months trying various diets and workouts without any success. As a mother, she understood the struggles that many faced, including the expenses of having to pay for things like exercise equipment and plastic surgery. The Fit Yummy Mummy program has been designed for women trying to lose that extra baby fat.

The best feature about the Fit Yummy Mummy program is that it is designed for moms who have that extra baby weight hanging around and are having trouble actually getting rid of it. This program has been designed to provide them with simple, quality workouts and improvements that fit around a busy mom's lifestyle, too. For any parent who may be dreading the thought of fitting a full training program into their already busy day, this may be the best one for you.

Another nice feature about the Fit Yummy Mummy program is that it allows you to work out right from your home. This means you spend less time having to travel to and from your home or having to deal with the inability to find a babysitter. The program offers a variety of benefits:

• Get your tight body back that you had prior to having kids
• Get your chest to look and feel like it used to before pregnancy
• Improve the look and the tone of your arms, your legs and even tighten up the ab muscles stretched out so much during pregnancy.

The Fit Yummy Mummy program gives you the ability to get all of this by just investing about 90 minutes working towards it. The way this program works is by combining all the things you are already doing to be the always on call mom and the tools and methods you need to lose the excess weight that you need to lose.

Visit Here To Find Out More About Fit Yummy Mummy Program Now Before You Buy, Is It Worth Your Money?

Recommended Reading
Lose the Mummy Belly
Discover the Secret Method Busy Moms Are
Using to Burn the Lingering “Baby Fat” and
Get Their Body Back with Fun, Fast Workouts.

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